Yes, I certainly do believe that the Israelis would be happy to
help the Palestinians to build a mutually beneficial environment. This is
simply what is defined as "enlightened self-interest" and is also known as
a "Win/Win" mentality. Unfortunately, I honestly do not believe that the
Arabs have evolved to this yet. But let me take you in another direction
for a while. As you may know, we have 20 million blacks here in the U.S.
Of course their ancestors were brought here as slaves about 200 years ago.
Today the gross national product of these blacks is nearly 550 billion
dollars, much more than many countries! And yet many of these people,
especially the ones that refuse to work, blame all their problems on the
white man. The white man is their all-purpose excuse for their own
failures. For example, black Americans have an illegitimacy rate nearly
70%. Young black men go from woman to woman creating children and then
demanding that society support these kids. The young black men also turn
to crime in huge numbers. Today they constitute about 60% of the prisoners
behind bars. Naturally, all of this is the white man's fault. So what's my
point, you ask. Simply this. Just as these blacks blame all their problems
on whites, so do the Arabs blame all their problems on Israel. Never once
will you hear any of them take responsibility for their problems. It is
always the Jews. Needless to say, those rotten and corrupt Arab rulers
have learned that the Jews are a convenient smokescreen to hide their own
sins against their own people. Hussein, my friend, you are a very
brilliant young man and it is time you accepted the undeniable fact that
two plus two equals four, even in the middle east. One additional fact.
There is a growing number of blacks here who, recognizing the awful
condition of Africa, are delighted that their ancestors were brought
here, even as slaves! FRED

> Dear Fred:
> be honest,i just wanted to remind you that everything we say is
> political because of our Economical,social,and political
> background,thats all!and again and again i insist and believe on what i
> told you before.I hate the zionists crimes against Palestinians and I
> hate those Arab suicide bombers who explode a bus with civilians.Come on
> Fred,I dont have "Anti_Israeli sentiments".Dont judge a book by its
> cover.and even here,there is widespread belief among common people  that
> "you can find best apples,nuts and etc." in Israel and also the best
> doctors are the Israelis !!!
> SEE,I amnot as blind as you might think .In closing, do you really
> believe that"the Jews would be thrilled to help these disadvantaged
> peoples(Palestinians) arrive in the modern world?Is there such thing as
> free lunch in the whole world?

Honest letter to David

No, illegitimacy started going up as Blacks became enmeshed in the Welfare system. That's the enormous elephant in the room he is studiously refusing to address. I'm a Black woman. I simply cannot believe that the main problems confronting Blacks today is the apparently very long acting "post traumatic stress disorder" from slavery, or the lack of a connection to a "homeland." I am an American. This is my homeland. Her history is my history. I love her, warts and all. The reason those other ethnic groups mentioned found the success that has eluded many Blacks is because they for the most part did not depend to any great extent on welfare (this is changing for some Latinos, at least here in Arizona, with predictable results). They maintained a work ethic and respect for learning that the Black community once had during Jim Crow days but somehow lost. I'm not condemning all those who've ever needed welfare. My mother, who was a single parent because my father couldn't be bothered to be a father, was on welfare for about two years when I was a toddler, because she'd gotten laid off from her job (thank Jimmy Carter's malaise for that). During that time she got job training and got a job, demanded to get taken off the welfare rolls, and has never needed welfare again. The battle she had with her case worker, who just couldn't believe anyone would want to get off the government dole, is a story for another day. Over the years she had continued to educate herself (yes, through some government education programs), has a bachelor's and master's degree, and is making nearly $100,000 a year. I am a graduate engineering student. We cannot in any sense of the word be called victims or oppressed. The slavery post traumatic stress syndrome somehow missed us. The problem is not welfare per se; it's the values that somehow got lost along the way. The victimhood that people cling to, the belief that someone owes you something just for being Black. This is not only a Black problem. Look throughout Europe and see that the same sort of problems that plague many in the Black community here occur anywhere you have a group of people who are kept at subsistence level by government programs, who give up industriousness, self-sacrifice, and pride for a monthly check. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but harsh words sometimes have to be said.
To: blahdeblah
When will blacks shed their racial bias in favor of their own and begin to OBJECTIVELY view the actions of some of their own?

Maybe when they feel they are not a powerless minority always second best to the dominant white majority.

Blacks are very critical of their own, but often circle the wagons in these situations.

Unfortunately, you're out of date. The great days of whites taking so much from granted are now defunct as the white middle class is now slipping down to join blacks and poor whites. As I've said so often in previous e-mails, the U.S.A. is quickly losing its hallowed economic
dominance. Nobody knows what the future will bring. On your second question regarding who succeeds and who fails, I believe our pal Charles Darwin has much to say about this when he uses the term "survival of the
fittest". Of course this does not preclude the fact that all people deserve a fair chance but the fact remains that there are important inherent differences among people. When governments try to homogenize people, as the communists do, the results are usually a disaster. Also,
history shows that the vast majority of government programs designed to up-lift people are expensive flops. I could go on about this at great length but it would only bore each of us. The only thing that really works
is a healthy family unit with both parents working diligently to provide the kids with direction, encouragement and intelligent discipline. For example, you are obviously a bright, well-motivated person. Tell me, please, is it not true that your parents did what I'm talking about? But again, we get back to individual differences because if it worked for you, why not for your troubled sister? As you can see, this is a very
complicated subject. Stay well my friend. FRED