First of all, let me express my deep thorough gratitude to all who have visited my weblog and also for their comments;
As I think my brain has been rewired so, I decided to divorce this blog and start a new one.
I would really appreciate if you edit my link to the following address.
I moved to: Here
I really can’t believe my eyes as I see thousands of people have died in the recent hurricane. When it comes to attacking
Money talks again and again; haves(rich) and the police and ordinary people were informed of the storm so the rich saved their life as soon as possible but have-nots(the poor) had to be there and wait to see what has “fate” has brought them as gifts.
I didn’t know that after 9/11 neo conservatives have passed a law in the
The government put the blame on the poor for not leaving the place but do they ever ask themselves with whose support and budget?