It has been a lot these days in karaj,Tehran and other cities and almost everything is paralyzed, though, I am happy because of not going to school for almost a week but ,when I think of it, I don’t see a bright future for this country as regards to mismanagement in almost every event. Another problem is again gas resources, we are the second largest country in the world in terms of gas resources but nowadays ,there is no gas in so many parts of the country, we are getting back to the ancient periods. people are using oil based heater and that’s sad! Don’t you ever think that I don’t like my country; sure I do as every body does. I am writing this so that those higher ups start thinking seriously about their “management” and the people. So we have a better country in terms of social justice, advancement in different areas, it’s our right to live a comfortable life, how much else should we suffer? Iranians have been under brutality during their history, either by their irresponsible rulers, in qajar dynasty, Phahlavi, and this period or by other countries, like England, Russia (so many unfair contracts we were forced to sign and gave a lot of privileges to these countries) we have been under USA coup and sanctions for a long time. not only people have suffered from this but also our economy, yes I know that this is a two way street, however some one should break the ice otherwise … what do you think?
I have found a new friend with whom I hope to stablish good relationship like David, here is a his biography as said by himself:
Hello! I'm a retired psychologist and college prof. Of
course we're all aware of the friction between the
on this very important subject. Also, I've been reading a
great deal about the middle east and I'm now struggling to
learn Arabic. There are several reasons for the
difficulty in understanding
million people of different races, religion1s and socio/economic
backgrounds. Obviously these differences are often very deep. The second
problem is that the
regards serious job losses to places like
are still the world's pre-eminent military power, our economic superiority
is now slipping away. Finally, the influence of popular culture (TV,
movies, rap music etc.) is so pervasive and destructive that I'm not sure
any nation could survive such damage. I hope these comments answer some of
your questions. FRED