I am who I am, I once said to me. Just but a man, born young to be free. No more and no less than what I profess, I am who I am said me.
I am what you see, part weak, and part strong. I sometimes am right, but often times wrong. I know how I look, but there's more to the book, I am who I was meant to be.
You might label be this, you might label me that. Though It's little concern to me. Because I know in my head, that I'd be better off dead, if I wasn't allowed to be free.
Do you know who you are? Do you know what we see? Do you care if the world's not your friend? Can you see you? like other eyes do? Tell me that it's not the end.
You are a man , no more and no less, you are a friend to me. I see in you, more than they do. I see a man yet to be.
Will you follow your heart? Will you follow your dreams? Will you brake free of your chains of doubt? This life's meant for living and loving and doing, for that is what life is about.
I am who I am, I once said to me. Just but a man, born young to be free. No more and no less. I must profess. I am who I am said me. |