Dear Freind:
Thanks for the photos:)It may sound funny to you but I have had this longing for a long time to be in NY,be it one day!
Did you like the Ecards I sent you?I forgot to tell you that because New Year holiday is one of our major holidays so,the offices are closed for the coming days so I dont think to recieve your second package at least for a week.Thats such a relief being away from work and do nothing for a while specially after those 12 hours of standing _teaching and sometimes yelling at kids, its as if the world is my oyster! Tonight we have a dinner get together;my sister,her husband and my lovely niece would be here for tonight. I have two married sisters and two of them are single.I am the second child of the father and my mothers and my fiancee relatives live in Saveh and we dont have close relatives here.My younger sister lives in Tehran....Sometimes I think you should have been born in the East rather than the West because of your beliefs and observances and this sensitivity which is one of the main characteristics of the Easterners.Agree?...I sometimes listen to music of different kinds.Iraninan pop music,gipsy kings,Elton John and anything soaring when I am happy.would you mention some of the tunes and classical musicians you are interested in ?You said that you have no idea of why you are sharing these things with me.but I have an idea:Take my words and go getmarried It would do a lot of "good" to you and maybe you start changing your feeling toward things to some extent :) I remember one of my married friends quotes"Hussein,as long as you have a 50% agreement with your future wife,it would be enough to start a life with and you should start building the rest with your better half".In farsi we have a proverb"Ezdevaj mesle yek hendevane ast" which means:marrige is like a watermelon.before marrige you cant get to know if you have chosen the soul mate you were looking for ,it is AFTER the marriage that this buliding of relationship starts.Although sometimes you may receive a rotten watermelon which ends in divorce .ENOUGH for marriage?
Take care my freind,