Thank you for your email. You raise some very interesting points, which I will try to answer as succinctly as possible.
Firstly, teachers in
Secondly, I work an eighteen hour day, seven days a week. I really do love my work.
Having said all of the above, my circumstances are somewhat different to other teachers working in
Qualifications: I hold a first class honours degree from the
As well as holding a degree, I also hold fifteen teaching diplomas in the following subjects: Psychology, philosophy, communication studies, business studies, media studies, information communication technology, history, English and mathematics. My favourite subjects are English and psychology. I’m studying for my doctorate in psychology. I will complete my doctorate at a
In addition to my professional qualifications, I speak, read and write in German and Russian. When I first came to
Summary: I consider myself to be a consummate professional in the world of academia. This is my life. I therefore dedicate a lot of time and resources to studying and teaching.
Employment history: I served with her Majesty’s Armed Forces during my late teens and early twenties. I saw action in
After leaving the Army, I worked as a civil servant for the British Government. Until recently, I worked for the British Government as a lecturer in social education. I was extremely well paid for my services.
Travel: I’ve travelled extensively throughout
Political Interests: I was a councillor and Deputy Mayor of a small town in
Recent History: About four years ago I suffered a tragic loss that would have crippled most men. I lost my family and everything I owned. The nature of that tragedy is immaterial. However, it is sufficient to say that it was devastating enough to alter the course of my life.
After the loss of my family, I went through a period of deep depression. I really did not know what to do with the rest of my life. Everything I had worked for had gone in the blink of an eye.
It was during this period of deep depression that I visited
Whilst I was in
Now, having lost everything in
Two and a half years later, I now own a company teaching American and British teachers how to teach TEFL. Once a teacher is qualified through my company, I place them with Ukrainian, Polish or Thai schools. As a rule, these schools are for impoverished students (social education). My company (Interlink Ltd) also delivers specialised courses in business studies for local and international companies operating in
My company’s philosophy is simple: Where there is a will, there is a way! I truly believe in this philosophy.
Something else – I do not work for money. I work for success. I believe in the unique potential of everyone, no matter their colour, creed or religion. I do not think that I am an idealist – I think I’m a humanist.
I cannot change the whole world. All I can do is to work within my sphere of influence so that I can change the environment in which I live. As a teacher, I have an opportunity and the ability to influence future events. I do this by giving others the tools they need to lead better lives. This is real power.
I don’t look for money – money looks for me. Interestingly, I view money as a tool that has only a limited value. Let’s face it we can’t take money with us when we die. Furthermore, a man’s success is not measured in terms of material wealth but in what he does for others.
I’ve read your blog several times and whilst I do sympathise with the predicament of you and your colleagues, I believe that the path to change rests inside of you, not in the politicians of your country. Getting angry about events beyond your control does not help you or your students. If anything, it destroys your ability to make the changes necessary for you to lead a more productive life.
When you go into a classroom, what do you think about? The need to eat and survive the day is, I daresay, high on the agenda. You probably also think about the oppression that you face everyday at the hands of your authorities. Now, let’s turn the situation on its head for a moment.
When I go into a classroom, I have only two thoughts on my mind: deliver my lesson and to give the students the tools they need to make a difference to their lives and, ultimately, mine. That is the role of a teacher.
You have the power within you to make the change in your country by working in the classroom, not on a pulpit built on the pillars of complaint. It is not the politicians of this world who hold power over future generations. It is the teacher who, with clarity of thought and vision, can make the difference to the people they serve.
We all have the power to write the pages in the history book of our lives. No one can live, eat or breathe for you. Only you can do these things. It is a fact of nature. You cannot escape nature. Nature is written as a universal law for all living things. It therefore stands to reason that only you can write in the history book of your life. So ask yourself: What are you doing about writing in the pages of your history book?
Some people believe that I am an idealist. Maybe they are right. But ask yourself this question: Does bitching about our lot in life achieve anything? I believe that it doesn’t. I would even go so far as to say that bitching creates a deepening spiral of discontent that can only lead to self destruction. If you want to change something, then you must find an approach that will help you achieve the change that you desire.
At the age of nearly fifty, I’ve lived long enough to witness war, pestilence, misery and unhappiness. But at no point in my life have I bowed my head and given into the tyranny of an un-equal world. On the contrary, I’ve sought change through education and sharing with others the effort and responsibility of what it means to be human.
It may surprise you to know that I have known hunger and poverty. I’ve also known physical and political persecution. But knowing all these things has not dampened my verve for life.
I do not live my life according to the circumstances I see around me. I live my life according to what I feel inside. Only by living in this way can I make a contribution towards building a better world. I hope my contribution will be a useful one. Only time will tell. But until then, I will not complain about my personal circumstances because life is seemingly unfair, or because a government tells me that I should do things in a certain way.
Michel Foucault once wrote that power is not a top down model but a top down bottom up model. Translated, this means that people can only exercise power over us if we let them do so. One way of abdicating power to others is by bitching and complaining. When we bitch and complain about the circumstances we find ourselves in, we effectively acknowledge the authority of others over our lives.
Naturally, we all have to live within the geo-politics of the environment in which we find ourselves. There is not much we can do immediately about our geo-political circumstances. This needs time. However, the one choice that can never be taken away from us is our choice to live the way we want. By living life according to a core set of personal values we essentially banish the influence of geo-politics from our lives. In essence, geo-politics becomes peripheral to who and what we are. Question: Are you living your life according to a set of core values, or are you living life according to your geo-political environment?
You will please forgive me if I sound glib or patronising. This is not my intention. My real purpose is to offer you support. I have no doubt that you are a very good teacher. But being a good teacher is not enough. Now is the time for you to take your place amongst the best teachers of humanity. You have a responsibility to yourself, and to the students you teach, to become the best you can be. Only by becoming the best you can be can you hope to alter the course of events that are driving your life at the moment.
Since I’ve lived in
Before closing, I would just like to point out to you that I was born into an impoverished mining family back in the 1950’s. When I born,
Please understand that I am not a saint. I also do not think that I am better than anyone else. In reality, I make lots of mistakes. It is through making a million mistakes that I've actually learnt the lessons of life.
I hope the above information answers the questions that were set out in your email.
Kind regards
To bitch or not to bitch, that's the question:
Dear Joy:
I was impressed with your last message. A GOOD ONE ACTUALLY.
But, would you answer some of my questions?
First, I teach 64 hours a week to make my ends meet .How many hours do
you work in a week? Do you know how much that is? Most of my friends
and I don't have a second job to depend on so we are under a lot of
pressure either financially, phisycally, and spiritually.
Second: I earn about 200$ a month. Sound funny� How about you if I am
not invading your privacy? When poverty comes, civilization, culture
and everything fades away. Do you agree? To me you are an idealist so
to speak. I wish I could have thought like you, but I can't. I am not
that strong to tolerate all these injustice and cruelty these ****
dictators are doing over us.