Hello. How are you today? It's been a cold and rainy weekend so far here. When will it be spring? I keep asking myself that question, over and over. As you know, the catholic Christians have lost their religious leader this past weekend. It's been on the news quite a bit here. For Catholic's this is a sad day. I'm not catholic, but I think that the man was a good man, who tried to make peace in the world. We need more peace makers like him in this world of ours. My sister came over to visit me today, and brought me dinner. She's a great cook. It was delicious. Today, I received a letter from the family that I sponsor in Romania. I told you about this before I think. It's through a Christian organization that helps feed, clothe, educate children around the world in need, regardless Of their religious beliefs. I think it's a great organization. I love children, and want them to have a better life. It's nothing that I take personal credit for. I simply am doing what God wants and expects of us to do for others in need. In the bible we're told that when we give to those in need, it's as if we are giving to God himself. He wants us to love each other that much. I'm not preaching to you my friend, I'm just explaining my beliefs to you. Anyway, he's five years old, as cute as a button. He sends me drawings of trees and flowers. I hang the drawings on my refrigerator door so everyone who visits can see them. He's a good little boy. I wish the best for him and his family. How is your family? Is your sister doing any better than before? I hope she is. I keep you and your family in my prayers. Just like I would do for my own family. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to a CD of Sade. Have you ever heard of her? She's from England. I love her music. It's very relaxing and easy going. She sings beautifully. I wish I could share some of my music with you. I know you would like them. I think we probably would enjoy listening to the same music. I won't send any however, I don't want to cause you problems at home. I would one day like to meet you. We've talked a lot over these many weeks, and I feel like I know you personally. Maybe someday we will. Who knows? I've been trying to think of things to share with you of interest. We've already discussed politics, religion, sex, I think we haven't left anything out. What do you think? Is there anything you still want to know about my country, that you don't already know? I have a question that I just thought of while writing this to you........ You mentioned before about Americans thinking that men greeting each other with a kiss, might be considered "gay" here. Do you have gay people in Iran? If so, how are they represented? Here, and in the West in general, homosexuality is an accepted practice, and protected by laws. The government separates government from religion, and thus ensures the rights of the individual to be gay if they so wish. I'm not saying that it's accepted by all of society. We are a religious country, and it's against many of the religions represented in this society. I have my own religious views about it. However, It's not my place to judge another persons life or their choices. It's between them and God. How do you feel about the subject? How does your government treat this issue? I'm curious about the differences between the West and the middle eastern governments. I hope that I'm not asking too many dumb questions. I'm just curious about the world. well my friend, I must be climbing into bed and going to sleep. It's late here. Take care and God bless you and your family. Best wishes to all.