I'm sorry if my story saddened you. I don't feel sad about the events in my life. It's the accumulation of both the good, and the bad, that has made me what I am today. I'm better for the experiences that I've gone through. There's a saying that goes "that which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." I think that is true. I think that my love for people, of all nationalities, comes from being aware of prejudice and racism. I'm sorry about your student. Having lost my dad when I was younger, I can appreciate the pain that a child feels. There's something unique about losing your father for a boy. It leaves a hole in your heart, that a mother can't fill. Now, let's talk about more happier matters.........
I can't tell you how much it meant to me, that you invited me to your home. You're a very hospitable and kind friend. Thank you. I have no concrete plans as of yet, to share with you. I've been searching the Internet for airfare prices, and hotel accommodations. I would like to visit in August or September. I can't stay very long, because of my responsibilities at home. I would like to visit you, and your family, and see your beautiful country. From what I've read on the Internet, it was advised to bring cash, because American credit cards were not accepted there. There doesn't seem to be any restrictions on Americans visiting there. All of this is just in the planning stage, it's not for certain. It's difficult, because I don't know anyone that can help me arrange things. I sent you a package through the mail, which you should receive sometime next week. It's something that can help you to relax and not feel so stressed. I think you'll like. Please let me know that you recieved it.How was your day today? I'm writing this on Friday night at eleven o'clock. I'm working this weekend. I hate working weekends. Did you receive all the pictures I sent? I hope that it wasn't too many. I know how much you like New York, so I thought I'd send them to you. I enjoyed the music you sent a lot. I like how your language sounds like. It's like nothing I've ever heard. Next week. we're celebrating my mother's birthday. I'm planning a birthday party in her honor at my house. All the family will be there. That's a lot of people! Regarding your comment about not wishing to sound nosy, I don't think of you like that. You are my pal, you can ask me anything. I would never think that you were nosy. Now, having said all that, I think I'm going to be a little nosy, and ask you some questions.
What was your childhood like there? Where you close to your father? Were you always a sensitive person? What I mean by that is, were you always a deep feeling person. I think that I was different in many ways from my older brothers. They liked to fight a lot and show off in front of the girls. I was always a shy kid, that lacked confidence. I loved nature, art, reading, and music. I was always a thinker, and a poet. I was a sensitive kid, who felt a lot. I was always a dreamer. I always had a good imagination. I picture you as a serious kid, who thought a lot, and read a lot, and passionate about life. Am I correct? You see, I'm the one that's nosy!
Hussein, you're a good man. I'm glad that I know you. In this short amount of time, you have taught me a lot. You make me think about my opinions and stand on issues. I admire your intelligence and knowledge. I don't feel that I'm as learned as you are. I'm an educated man, but you are more worldly. That's meant to be a compliment. Well, I better be heading off to bed. It's getting late here. Thanks for the email. I look forward hearing from you. It brightens up my day. Take care, and May God bless you and your family.
Your pal,