

September 23, 2004


I searched and asked
What is life?
I received many answers,
Long explanations of different theories, quotations from different
philosophers and on and on.
I realized the more words are used to explain life, the less that person
knows about life.
One day an old man, tossed a coin in the air and asked me how many sides
this coin has? Of course I said two! He laughed and said, "A coin has 3
sides"..... With his finger he pointed at the edge, the border of the coin
and said this is the side that most people don't see.
As soon as you choose a side (head or tail) it stops you from seeing the
other side, it puts a wall between you and the other "side".
If you can sit on the edge of the coin then you are sitting on the wall and
can see both side of the coin, therefore no more walls to separate
you from the "other"!!
I had the answer I had been searching for. A simple explanation with few

Hello my friend. I'm glad that you liked the poem I sent. What did you mean by "I should be careful of my words"?  I hope that I haven't offended you in anyway. Let me know what you meant, okay? I agree with you regarding democracy being a two edge sword. I think that with "freedom," comes responsibility. I think that an individual rights, needs to be balanced with the society as a whole. If everyone is doing exactly what they want, disregarding the rest of society, that's anarchy. Now onto the subject of Michael Jackson........
What do you think happened to him? I use to love his music years ago before he became this 'troubled person." It's really a shame. The man is very talented, and gifted. Somewhere fame and wealth changed him into what he now has become.  It's unfortunate. Have you ever listened to his music in the past? He doesn't even look like the same person anymore. I wish I could send you a CD of "Sade." I think you would like her music. It's very relaxing and easy listening. Her music always has a meaning in the lyrics. Regarding the dating thing......
In America, the man usually still pays for the woman. If a man asks for a date, he pays for the dinner. Women like to think that their liberated, but the man still pays. The only difference might be if they are married, or have been going together for a long time. Then perhaps the woman might offer to pay. Americans are traditional still about that. The man would feel less than a man if he let the woman pay for him. I guess it's the macho thing. I was brought up to pay for the woman. Even when I'm out with my sister's I pay the check. I guess we're not too different when it comes to that. I remember a funny incident that happened to me when I was sixteen years old and on my first date.  A bunch of my friends went out with our girlfriends bowling. When it came time to pay to rent the "bowling shoes," I couldn't find my wallet!  My date saw that I was frantic looking for it, and decided to pay our way. The young man behind the counter looked at me, and said to her "you're out with the wrong guy, I wouldn't have you pay for me." I turned four different shades of red, with embarrassment. So you see, it's very cultural for the man to pay for the woman. It's kind of frowned upon for the woman to pay for the man. I look back at it now, and laugh at the situation. (I didn't then.) Today at work was rough! I came into work to find my coworkers behind in their work. I ended up helping them catch up, only to find myself behind in my duties. All evening long I was trying to catch up. I'm exhausted! I'm sending you something in the mail. I'm mailing it tomorrow. I think you will like it. You'll have to let me know when you receive it. Okay? I have another holiday coming up soon called "Passover." Have you heard of it? It commemorates God bringing the people out of slavery in Egypt. Well, my friend. I'm glad to hear from you as always. Reading your emails, I can't believe how well you express yourself in English. You speak English better than I do! Ha. Ha. I wish that I was well spoken in Spanish as you are in English. I don't often get the chance to speak and write as much as I would like to. I would like to learn some farsi as well. I'm curious as to what it sounds like to the ear. Does it sound like Arabic? Maybe I'll practice, and one day I will surprise you with fluent farsi. (Don't hold your breath on it though.) Take care my friend. It's been nice chatting with you. My regards to your family.
                                              Your friend & brother,

Honest letter to David

...How are you doing man?I wasn't feeling well the other day because of the pressure at school.Anyway,To answer your question I should say that because gay behavior is forbidden and Haram(an act against religious law)so,I it is not protected by Islamic law.Religion and government are mixed and this has created a situation in which the government interfere in almost everything.I believe that government and religion must be separated to ensure the rights of  individuals but,I also wished that some behaviors(Gay) aren't allowed in the society because excessive freedom cause trouble for the whole society in the long run .Agree?But, as you know democracy is a two edge sword!
Now,Did you hear that Michael Jackson was introduced as the most stupid person in the united states in an internet  poll ?What do you think of the singer?...I haven't heard from Sade but iItried to download some of her music from the net but, I couldn't.I was curious to know your taste of music.Did you finally watch the "Green Mile?If so,What did you think of it?
Today, I talked about American holidays and especially Easter to my students.One question:After talking about dating difference in Iran and western countries a question popped in my mind:When boyfriends and girlfriends go out on a date to a restaurant,who pays?The boy or the girl?Does it depend?Or They happen to go dutch most of the time?
Take care my friend,