Dear buddy:
I know that I told you that I wouldn't write until after the wedding. But I can't help writing to my pal again. What will I do when you go on vacation for a long time? I know, I have to get a life, right? (ha. ha). You're like my brother, I have to talk to you often. I'm sponsoring a Palestinian child in Palistine.(Israel). It's through the same organization that I told you about. He's a seven year old little boy. His Mom and dad have no employment. I feel so honored to be able to make a difference in this child's life. Since I have no children of my own yet, it's a way of connecting to the future generation coming up behind. It sounds corny. huh? But I mean it with all of my heart. I love children. I think I would make a good father. I know how much having a father means to a child. Especially a boy child. I've never asked you where you and your bride will be living? Do you have your own home? I heard that it's customary for a couple to live with their extended family. Is that true? If I'm being too nosey, just tell me that it's none of my business!. Okay? Today I bought myself a journal. It's something that I should have done a long time ago. It would have been nice to have recorded my thoughts and first time impressions of the countries that I had visited, and of the different experiences I've had in my life. I think as one gets older, it's nice to have something to read and look back on. It's interesting to read how you thought and felt about a situation. I remember years ago when President Ronald Reagan was elected president, defeating president Jimmy Carter, I had written my thoughts down on paper and had saved them. I found them recently, when going through some photos and stuff. It brought back so many memories. It was at the time of the hostage situation at the U. S. Embassy. I remember that there were rumors that the government would start drafting young boys for a potential conflict there. It was talked about in our news and written about in the newspapers here. I remember feeling so scared. I thought to myself "I don't want to get drafted and die in Iran." Prior to that, I never even knew where Iran was located, or anything about it. I remember being so worried that Ronald Reagan would win the presidential election, and draft us all. He ended up winning, but the hostages were freed right after his win. I remember having to go to the post office with my friend to register for service. Even if you were not of age yet, you had to register. I remember thinking to myself as I was waiting in line with all the other boys "I can't kill another human being." My faith is against killing innocent people. (killing anyone, for that matter). It would have been a difficult situation to be in. Morally speaking. I've been watching the news lately, Have you heard about the latest? Apparently Newsweek magazine had published an article claiming that u. s soldiers had flushed a Muslim's holy Koran down the toilet. Unfortunately, the editor and magazine admitted that it was a false allegation. Now it's gone all over the Muslim world, and has outraged people. Rightfully so, if it were true. I can't believe how a magazine could print something without verifying the source of the information. It's now a little late to say "we're sorry, we made a mistake." People are dying and being hurt over this. What is your opinion on this? It's been in the news and papers a lot, these past few days. I know you've been a bit preoccupied lately with the upcoming wedding and all. I was just wondering what your thoughts were on the matter. well my brother.... It's getting late here. I better go to bed and get some rest for tomorrow. Take care. Don't worry about writing me back. I know you're busy now.
Your friend,
David |