Dear David:
.....As I entered the school and said hello to the principal,I went right to my class .The students yelled "happy teachers day" to me and brought me flowers.I thanked them all and went into the main subject............
Another class:.....As I entered the class the students throw flowers at me.I thought they are throwing stones.I guarded my face by my hands .though,one of the flowers bumped into my face :)They had written one of favorite pop songs on the board and they all started singing together."Take my hand........"kindda embarressing.....I was getting angry as the song lasted for two minutes with them yelling at the top of their voice(full blast)But I restrained myself not to get angry.After all,Today is teachers day and it usually lasts for a week.........My fiance and I are invited over to a resturant on tuesday night by the principal of the school....I have almost prpered everything for the upcoming marriag"Dont Worry,Be Happy."................I once travelled to Shiraz(where those historic places are based).Its far from Tehran,a sixteen hour drive from karaj by bus.I do wish you can come visit these places as well.That would be a day:)
Give my best regards to your family,
Ps:The articles WERE interesting and informative.Thanks again:)