Dear John:
I am finally back from my trip to Shiraz.What a trip man!
Almost every thing went wrong first.we took a taxi to get to the bus terminal and although I had asked the supervisor of that line to make sure that the taxi does go to the terminal because he was a bit old and deaf ,He directed us to the wrong taxi and a couple of minutes later I noticed we are on the wrong way and asked the driver to drop us somewhere to get back to square one:(
5:00 PM we are in the bus waiting anxiously for the bus driver to arrive.
(Inside the bus)we were given some foods and drinks and then the chuffer of the driver put one of Arnold,(the governor of the California) to "entertain" the passengers.I prefered to listen to my CD player.
4:AM the bus stopped in the middle of a no where Island.It seemed that the bus had a sudden heart attack because no one heard his engine starts up again.we got off the bus waiting for "help".I wonder what services Americans get in the bus and what happens in times of emergency like this one.Whats the trasportation facilities like there?
Finally,one bus stopped and some passengers continued their trip with that one.I dont go into details as how we arrived to Shiraz.but thse buses really stinks!
We stayed in a placed called"Teachers House" which is specially for teachers.but as a teacher you have to pay some money to these places.but their sevice was OK.the rooms were clean and that was Ok.the Fist place we went to visit was Shah cheragh a holy mosque(you can see all these photos in my next email which is accompanied with this email).then we went to Hafez,Irans most famous poet.the people of Shiraz are really kind except some of their taxi drivers who may chrge you double for their fare.
there were tourists from other countries too.we went to his mausoleum .Iranians are in favor of poems and poets.
then we went to Sadi mausoleum _another Iranian poet.
I visited almost any photos you see in the link page I have sent you so I dont go into details any more as this letter is turning into a book that an email.
Finally ,we went to the Persepolis.the taxi driver knew more that I baout the history of these ancient places and that was unusual and surprising for me.
we spent two hours to see the historical places because it took 120 years to build the place.
Unfortunatly unpurposefully we booked our tickets to Karaj on the same bus.I prophesied that the bus will be broken down in mid night and it did but at 2:PM.some people are very lucky:(
After 2 hours of waiting and the passengers complaining to the bus driver the bus was saved and here we are.
Hmmm, well the famour greyhound buses don't have any service on their buses (no food, no drink and no movie...although I admit no movie is better than Arnolds'), they stink and half of the time U have only very scary people on it. Besides the break-downs U have been doing pretty good ;) Take it with a sense of adventure :D
there you go,your link is set in my blog.thanks for the name change btw.