Two scenarios:
The First one,
(In a Private English Institute)
A (me) B (The Supervisor)
B: Look, as you know teaching a language is a time consuming, nerve racking task which can’t be fulfilled overnight. (
A: Yup, That’s why we need to do some modifications on the overall procedure of our methodology and teach qualitatively rather than quantitatively.
10 minutes later
The Second one,
(The teachers are all in the supervisor’s room as we don’t have any Teachers Room)
The supervisor is talking to a new customer (student) on her joining to the English classes and here is my eavesdroppingJ
A (The student) B: The Supervisor
A:I would like to learn English but I don’t wanna attend your classes and I want an Experienced (sometimes experience connotes some other thingsJ) tutor, I wanna learn English within 3 month!!! Is that possible?
B: Absobloodylutely, Yes M’am, You ARE in the right place. Here you can learn English in a flash and bla bla bla…………..
A: How much?
B (As lan Ghabele shoma ro nadareh) please be my guest. Now because money talks every where and because you are gorgeous? About Tomans……..
Moral Conclusion? Money talks every where when it starts talking.
You see? The problem with education in Iran is that the authorities are not educated themselves.
Anyway, you can see the same scene anywhere in that country...
I agree with u completely, Frank. Around here they say, “$ talks, bullshit walks.” It's sad but it's true. Nowadays, everything is about $. And when U have it, everything seems 2 B so easy. Almost everything... Cheers buddy :)
Well I agree with both Cyrus and Farzad. Yup, Money talks everywhere even here.
u made a nice weblog
please lookt at my blog:
I enjoyed reading this but I have a little problem with it. I hope you don’t think I’m just nit picking here but I really don’t think ‘Money talks’ is a conclusion that can come from this piece. If the girl had come in saying, ‘I can’t speak any English but I want a certificate that says I can. How much?’ and had at the end walked out with what she wanted, then yes I would think if you have money you can have anything. But in this case the only conclusion for me is that a rich girl who is a bit on the dim side can easily be conned out of her money (since I don’t think there is any doubt in any of our minds that learning English in three moths is virtually impossible).
Please correct me if I’m wrong, there is a possibility that I have totally got the wrong end of the stick here.
Shirin Khanoom:
Money talks because, while discussing the eduactional matters with the supervisor who is an English teacher as well he agreed with me that learning the language IS time consuming and cant be fullfilled whithin 3 montns but when the same supervisor got wind of how much money he can get by "tutoring" the girl, he forgot about the imopssibility of learning English whithin 3 months and was trying to persuade the girl to get a private teacher.
Briefly, The power of MONEY made the supervisor TALK with a different language.
I see. I thought you meant it as in the saying ‘Money talks’ which basically means money brings power to the person with money (ie the girl here) but obviously you meant something completely different.
Thanks a lot for the link but maybe you should take it off because I just can’t put your link on my blog, I’m sorry. I was just reading some of your other posts and the part about Afghans and Arabs really upset me. My eyes actually filled up with tears just now even thinking about it. Seriously. I’m sorry, it’s nothing personal; I just can’t stand racism, especially when it’s coming from an educated person like you.
Please feel free to remove this comment after you have read.
Dear English Teacher,
back in Iran for past 2 years I thought some English tocouple of Institutions. it all depends on of the best I found at the time was gheshm. Gheshm was set up with one of managers of Kish. The rest weren't that great!:)