David Letter To Honest(9)

Thanks for the photo! It looks like a beautiful place. Have you been there before? I would love to visit your country, but are Americans welcome? I didn't think we were allowed to visit there. It would truly be a wonderful experience I'm sure. I've never been to that part of the world, but have always wanted to see it. Thank you for your generous offer  of hospitality. You are always welcome here as well. I would show you a wonderful time in my country. We share many of the same things in common, like music, poetry, etc. I will write a poem for you my friend, and send it to you. I think that there is no greater gift than that. (when words come from the heart). I tend to be a sentimental kind of person. I feel a lot. How has your weekend been so far? I hope you're enjoying the time off. Workdays come too fast I'm so glad to be off of work tomorrow. I plan to out to lunch with a friend, and buy a music CD. I told you that I have a large collection of music. I have Spanish language music as well. I love the different instruments and vocals. I try to practice my Spanish as much as possible. I don't want to lose the ability to speak and read it. Sometimes if you're just speaking your own language, you can forget the second language. Is your language difficult to learn? You don't speak Arabic right? well, I have to get ready for work now. Thanks again for the email. I really enjoy talking to you. It brightens my day.
                                             Your friend in America



….I am afraid of my future , I am  afraid that I cant fulfill my dreams and I am afraid of not being able to make my ends met, I am afraid of having a dark future, I am a psycho afraid of living  .I am somebody left alone in this universe as “Abler Como” puts it. Sometimes I am distressed, a feeling of knowing what to do and what may happens, feeling that if you go deep inside will make you go nuts! I don’t trust the people who live around me don’t mean my own family, I mean my friends ,the people I see in my every day life, I think in this country everybody is trying to cheat on the others , these are my feelings and I know one cant trust his/her feelings all the time. I am in constant stress and distress of being a human being. Don’t you ever pass a judgment about me? You may feel the e same, but not brave enough to confess. Right?  My heart is beating fast. Tomorrow I have a class. Mondays are demon days for me for I had a terrible time with my student last year on Mondays.

Dear friend:

....Sure, I enjoyed them all, especially, the lake and forest. You are living in other people’s dreams. The photo you see is called” Haft Cheshme" means seven springs (where water flows). The spring is said to be built before Niagara Falls .kkkiiidddiiinnnggg! .....Because, I can’t afford coming to the U.S., why not coming to Iran for your birthday vacation, id be happy to have you as my guest. ..I would like to write to you too, but as far as I know mailing system here, it takes at least two weeks for a letter to arrive....

About me, a regular kind of guy who enjoys learning about the world he lives in and to be honest, I enjoy listening to music; I like reading poem_could you send me one of yours? And I like learning about P.C. and surfing the net.thats all about me!

Take care