How are you my friend? I hope you are doing well. Thank you for the photos, I enjoyed them. I hope you liked mine as well. I tried to send you photos of the scenery and places where I live. What do you think of the photos? I think you would like my town. If you are ever in America, I would be honored to have you as my guest, and to show you all around my city. The best time of the year to visit, is in the summer and autumn months. From June through October. There's a lot to do and see. In the winter months it can be snowy and cold. I'm hoping to take a vacation in June for my birthday. My birthday is on the forth of June. I haven't decided yet where to go, but it will have to be some place warm and tropical.( I hate the cold. )  Do you like to travel much? What's your favorite vacation place?  I would like to give you my address so you can write me if you want. I will leave that up to you, however. If you don't mind, I'd like to know more about you. Tell me a little about yourself. Do you like music, art, poetry?  I like all three. I enjoy writing poems very much. I like to express my feelings  in poems. I should have become a writer I think. Well, it's almost 2:00am in the morning while I'm writing this! I better get to bed and get some rest for tomorrow. Take care my friend. Have a good day.
                                                                        Your friend

David Letter To Honest(8)

My friend Hussein:
Thanks for the photo. It's nice to actually see the person I'm speaking with. You look like a nice man. You have a kind face. I'm sorry about asking your name again, but I thought Hussein was a last name. My friend's last name is also Hussein. He's originally from Pakistan. He's  older than I am, but we're good friends. He's taught me a lot about his faith and culture. I have a lot of respect for him. Regarding my age..... I'm not 45 years old, I'm younger than that. The photo I sent was taken a few years a go, while I was on vacation.  Since my mother has been ill, I haven't traveled as much as I once did.  She requires a lot of assistance. It's difficult for her to get around, she's now in a wheelchair. I take care of her. Today is my day off from work. I had lunch out with some friends, and went to a movie. Tomorrow is the weekend, and I have to work.  I don't like to work on the weekend because of religious reasons. You asked me about what we discuss at work...... We discuss a variety of topics and subjects, such as politics, religion, current events, etc.
We just elected a president last November. My country was really divided as to who they wanted as their president. Many people were for Bush and many people were against Bush for president. It was so important to people, that everyone turned out to vote. (including myself). Throughout the presidential campaign, politics was all we seemed to discuss at work. Americans are passionate about their politics and ideals. I remember when I was a young boy, my father would take me with him to vote. He felt that it was a responsibility and a person's right to vote. My father died when I was young. He was a wonderful person. You would have liked him. Anyway ... lately we've been discussing the war in Iraq, and of the young men serving there.  There are many that feel that America should not be there, and there are other's who feel that they need our help to become self sufficient, and free to choose their own kind of government. I wish the best for the people there. They deserve a leader and government that listens to them and works for them. (not the opposite).Americans tend to discuss just about everything, including sex. We're open like that with one another, both male and female. We're not embarrassed by the subject.  I sent you some photos of my city and different places around town. Did you get them? I plan to take some more pictures and will send you some. Okay?  You also asked about my activities..... As I told you before, I come from a large family. We often get together over each other's houses for dinner, parties, and such. I like to keep fit, so I go running a lot.  I try to work out at least three times a week. I live near the lake, and often go running by it. I also enjoy going out with friends and having a good time. I like to read a lot, and listen to music. I love all kinds of music, but when I need to calm down, I listen to classical music. It makes me feel peaceful inside. I enjoy having parties at my home with friends. I like to entertain. I hope that I answered all your questions. That's what friends are for, right? Well, take care my friend. I hope you have a good weekend. I hope to hear from you soon.
                                                  Your friend,

Dear Friend:
Hi. I'm glad to hear that your day went well for you. Your job sounds interesting. Teaching is a noble profession. Let me try to answer some of your questions about my city, and job, and so on.......
There is a lot of things to do in the city where I live. My city is both urban and rural. There are many museums and theaters where one can enjoy classical music, or watch a play being performed on stage. There are many fine restaurants where they serve a variety of ethnic dishes, and where you can enjoy listening to a live band play. We have many night clubs for dancing and such. There are also a number of casinos where one can gamble if they want. There are a number of amusement parks with all kinds of rides and attractions. They are opened only in the summer, due to the cold weather throughout the winter months. We have lots of beautiful parks throughout the city and outskirts. We have many lakes and rivers too. Rochester is connected to Ontario Canada by a large lake called "Lake Ontario." There is a ferry that takes people to and from Toronto Canada from Rochester. It takes two hours to cross the lake over to Canada. The scenery is absolutely beautiful from the ship. In the countryside, you can find many farms with cattle and horses roaming. As you driving through, you can see horses on both sides of the road grazing. I enjoy taking long country rides on the weekends. It's so relaxing to get out of the city and slow down. I love it outdoors. You were also asking about my job and hours and such.......
I'm a pharmaceutical technician. I work in a large hospital pharmacy. We fill patient prescriptions, make IV fluids for the various units, etc. I was working Monday through Friday, with no weekends. I'm now working weekends as well. (I don't like it.) I work 40 hours per week, sometimes more. My hours are from 2:30pm to 11:00 PM. Since the hospital cannot close, we have 3 shifts that need to be covered. I just work the evening shift. There are others that must work the night shift, from 11:00pm until 7:00 am the next day. My work can be very stressful because you're taking care of sick patients that need immediate care. People's lives are in your hands. I've worked in the medical field for many years now. It's all I really know. Sometimes I feel like quitting and doing something totally different. Have you ever felt like that? I'm going to try to send some more pictures to you of my family and I. It's nice to see who you're talking with. It's nice to have a face behind the words. Well, Take care my friend for now. My best regards to you and your family.
                                             Your friend,