Dear John:
... I am doing just fine. Yesterday, was so hectic, I was at school(different schools) for about ten hours, and I just got so exhausted ,I went to sleep pronto ! Still snowing there? As for here noJ is it common practice to wear warm clothes at home so less gas is used? What is the heating system there? (Any photo?) .on valentines I bought a bouquet of flower for my fiancée and made her very happy. Is it common for friends to talk about their love affair to each other? …did you get the photo? What do you think of it?....once you mentioned that teachers are highly paid and have special benefits in USA, could you tell me about an average teacher income and the special benefits he/she receives? Feel free to ask your questions….
Take care my friend,
PS:I would be really happy ,if you send me any articles that may be interesting to you.
Hello. How are you? I haven't heard much from you lately. I hope all is well with you. I'm doing fine. Thank you for the information(email). It was very interesting. I didn't know anything about that or of the history of your country. My government has certainly made many mistakes in foreign policy, and world affairs, through the years. I agree with some policies and disagree with others. I can assure you that the American people have no animosity or bad will towards the rest of the world. I think all governments are imperfect and don't always act in the best interest of their people or others. I have a great appreciation for all people and all countries, and I love my country as well. It's my home. Thank you for educating me on your history. This is how we learn from each other. How has work been this week? My day went okay. It wasn't too busy this evening. Today was Valentine's Day. It's a big holiday here. The stores were very busy with people buying flowers, candies, and other kinds of presents for their loved one. Unfortunately it was just another day for me.
Your friend,
John |