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چهارشنبه 5 مردادماه سال 1384 16:01
All the warning of the lights is to those who see, so likewise is the conscience to those who feel. Never let your heart or mind be hardened to the feelings of truth and light.
If I Were A Politician
چهارشنبه 5 مردادماه سال 1384 14:06
Subject: * * If I Were A Politician * * From: VictoryUSA Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 00:47:55 -0700 To: "www.jail4judges.org" J.A.I.L. News Journal ______________________________________________________ Los Angeles, California August 9, 2004 If I Were A Politician (By Ron Branson, J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief) It is no...
Learn Persian
سهشنبه 4 مردادماه سال 1384 06:58
Thanks for the cards.I havent recieved your letter yet.Thanks for the gift.Thats intresting that you are trying to learn my language.I will do anything to help you become an influent persian speaker.who knows?Maybe you can say a poem in Frasi too.Have I told you that Iran has a very rich liturature and poets as...
Words of thought
دوشنبه 3 مردادماه سال 1384 17:26
With a smile, everyone speaks the same language. Dutch Proverb The happiest people seem to be those who have no particular reason for being happy except that they are so. W.R. Ingo Conscience is the inner guide of man's soul. Listen and obey and life can be sweet--disobey and sorrow is the result. Anonymous Your...
lipstick Jihad
دوشنبه 3 مردادماه سال 1384 10:17
Have you read the book"lipstick Jihad" by Moaveni.I read the review on the net.It seems a good read.What do you think? http://rebeccasreads.com/reviews/02biomem/02moaa55.html http://www.parstimes.com/books/
[ بدون عنوان ]
دوشنبه 3 مردادماه سال 1384 08:43
Sorry for the delay but I've recently had a baby boy and naively thought I could have friends on the internet to help me through his teething - no time, no time, feel like Alice in Wonderland! I promise to send a longer email in due course. Hope all is well with you Zara
Iranians arent arabs!
یکشنبه 2 مردادماه سال 1384 14:00
keep in mind that regardless of West's involvement in Iran-Iraq war, it was Iraqis with the help of other Arab countries, both militarily and financially as well as in forms of so called volunteer personnel, who invaded Iran and caused enormous death and damage. It is natural to “hate” those who killed your friends...
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یکشنبه 2 مردادماه سال 1384 07:38
How are things with you?How are mom and dad?Hope they are fine. This past new year Iran TV showed Mores movie fahrenheit 9/11.Do you know why because the guy had disclosed Bushs policiy toward the Big Bang(9/11).Any movie,news which tries to degrade Bush and his policies are in favor of this" Islamic regime".......In...
Memorial Day
شنبه 1 مردادماه سال 1384 14:24
..How are you my friend?Things are fine?How is your mom? pray for me John as the coming days are a bit stressful for me and my fiancee....I have prepared almost everything and I should only waith for the D_day to come.I hope I would make a peaceful life with my wife.How is your relation with that madam you talked...
Iranian wedding
جمعه 31 تیرماه سال 1384 18:11
Thanks for the ecards.Its 7:00 amas I am writing this.this thursday is the D_day.I gotta go to work now.sorry for my short emails.I think Its undeestandable. Best wishes to your family.
If it werent my father
جمعه 31 تیرماه سال 1384 07:55
....If it werent my fathers help,I wouldnt be able to buy this house.In Iran childeren are family centered and dont get independent until their late twenties or thirties.Through the parents help,most childeren are provided with the financial means n ecessary starting a new life.There are so many reasons I will be in...
Hello My Brother:
پنجشنبه 30 تیرماه سال 1384 20:46
I'm so happy to hear that everything went well on your wedding day. I was thinking about you that day, and said a prayer for you. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos when they are developed. I wish I could have been there for you. It would have been great to see my friend getting married. I'm surprised that the...
Your Friend
پنجشنبه 30 تیرماه سال 1384 14:30
A true friend is someone who listens, someone who supports, and someone who is always there. A true friend is you. I thank the stars above for having sent a friend like you.
Things to Always Remember
پنجشنبه 30 تیرماه سال 1384 09:49
Your presence is a present to the world. You're unique and one of a kind. Your life can be what you want it to be. Take the days just one at a time. Count your blessings, not your troubles. You'll make it through whatever comes along. Within you are so many answers. Understand, have courage, be strong. Don't put...
Wedding gift
چهارشنبه 29 تیرماه سال 1384 11:48
I've been feeling a bit sad these past few days. Some personal matters on my mind. I appreciate your concern very much. You're a good friend and brother. Thank you . I'm doing okay. I sent two letters to you. You received the first one already, with the post cards inside. The next letter has your wedding gift inside...
Big day
چهارشنبه 29 تیرماه سال 1384 09:56
This week is the Big day !! I want you to know that you'll be in my thoughts and prayers on your special day. I'm really happy for you and your fiancee. I hope your wedding day is magical and wondrous. Remember to send me some photos of the ceremony. It would be cool to see it. Since this will be a very busy week for...
سهشنبه 28 تیرماه سال 1384 11:12
I am happy to hear you are getting better and better.Thank God . ... I have been busy preparing everything in advance.I had to arrange the resturant matters ,food,drink and all that . My fiancee dowry would be here in the coming days.I should arrange the wedding car and the photographer and that stuff all by...
Teachers Day
سهشنبه 28 تیرماه سال 1384 09:12
.....As I entered the school and said hello to the principal,I went right to my class .The students yelled "happy teachers day" to me and brought me flowers and things.I thanked them all and went into the main subject............ Another class:.....As I entered the class the students throw flowers at me.I thought they...
New York
دوشنبه 27 تیرماه سال 1384 10:10
Hello my brother: Greetings from New York It's 11:30p.m in the evening. I'm still in New York. The hotel offers computer access in the room. I was thinking about you my friend, and wanted to say hello. Did you receive my last email? You didn't mention it. I sent two letters to you. The first one that you will receive...
David letter honest
دوشنبه 27 تیرماه سال 1384 08:21
My Dear Friend: My prayers have always been with you my brother. I know that things seem stressful at the moment, but that's normal when planning a wedding. You're going to be just fine . The wedding is going to be a wonderful and magical event. I know that. How do I know that? Because I know that you both love each...
feel better soon
یکشنبه 26 تیرماه سال 1384 11:44
I just pray God you feel better soon.If you need a shoulder to cry on, I am here to help.Intimes like that ,I try to express my feelings on a piece of paper or try to share the feeling with someone dear to me. Give my regards to your mother as well and I wish her happy mothers day as well.
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یکشنبه 26 تیرماه سال 1384 10:53
Whats Chicago like?the people?the culture? Would you tell me about that? Yours again
Wedding Blessing
یکشنبه 26 تیرماه سال 1384 09:55
May the road rise up to meet you both On each and every morn. May the rains fall soft upon your fields Of waving yellow corn. May the wind be always at your back And the sun's warmth on your face. And until we meet again my friends, God keep you in his grace. May the grains of sand upon the shore Number all your days....
David letter honest
شنبه 25 تیرماه سال 1384 11:40
Thanks for the cards and email. It meant a lot to me my friend. Today was a better day for me. We took my mother out for lunch, and then went to the beach and walked the pier. It was a beautiful sunny day, and everyone was out with their families enjoying the warm temperature. Children were flying their kites high up...
Honest letter to American
شنبه 25 تیرماه سال 1384 08:41
How did the average American react and think about Usama Ben Ladan and his followers and other muslims after september 11th?How did you feel about the subject?what effects do you think 9/11 has had on an average American?
جمعه 24 تیرماه سال 1384 19:01
American Manners American manners are based on common sense, helpfulness and a sense of equality of all people rather than inherited social norms, hierarchy and formality. These traits are traced to our historical roots of having to rely on our neighbors for help and protection. (Of course, social hierarchy does...
جمعه 24 تیرماه سال 1384 09:02
Thank you for coming to my talk. I hope that, by the help and cooperation of all those nice and friendly ghosts that are roaming this room in this beautiful full-moon Halloween night, you wonât leave this place disappointed! Any way, happy Halloween to all of you. To be honest with you, I would rather let you talk and...
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پنجشنبه 23 تیرماه سال 1384 20:23
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پنجشنبه 23 تیرماه سال 1384 10:09
I am back
Honest letter to David
پنجشنبه 1 اردیبهشتماه سال 1384 06:43
Happy birthday mom, ...I am far from your place.but you have a son who has a big heart. Happy birthday Yours, Honest This ecard: http://www.passionup.com/fun/fun205.htm http://www.passionup.com/birthday/html/birthday20.htm