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پنجشنبه 1 اردیبهشتماه سال 1384 06:38
Honest letter to David
چهارشنبه 31 فروردینماه سال 1384 18:55
Its nice to hear from you as always.sometimes I wonder from what source I take all these energy.I worked 16 hours yesterday and at the end I wasn't as much as I thought.Although,I got my second job But,I wont forget about my dear pal.I try to be on line:).As I was teaching my last class,The topic of the discussion was...
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چهارشنبه 31 فروردینماه سال 1384 14:36
The Best Teacher Ever There is a story from many years ago of a primary school teacher. Her name was Mrs. Thompson. And as she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same....
Honest letter to David
چهارشنبه 31 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:39
This article is just sent as an informant ,That's all! The war between Iran and Iraq was one of the great human tragedies of recent Middle Eastern history. Perhaps as many as a million people died, many more were wounded, and millions were made refugees. The resources wasted on the war exceeded what the entire Third...
David Letter
سهشنبه 30 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:28
Congratulations on the new job! I'm so happy that everything worked out for you. I had kept you in my prayers, asking that God would grant you the job, and he did. I told you that God hasn't forgotten you Hussein. God is truly great. I want you to know that this news really made my day. I feel as if I got the job!...
David Letter
دوشنبه 29 فروردینماه سال 1384 20:09
I'm glad that the information I sent you was helpful and informative. The war photo you sent me was disturbing. What happened to the man in the photo? What country was it taken in? I don't understand war, whatsoever. I'm sorry that things are tough for you my friend. Please let me know if there is anything that I...
David Letter
دوشنبه 29 فروردینماه سال 1384 16:24
My dear friend: I don't think it's possible to change anyone's behavior but our own. I've had relationships where I thought I could change the other person. It doesn't really work. A person is whom they are. They can only change from within, not from our hopes or demands. That is why I've waited so long to get...
Honest letter to David
دوشنبه 29 فروردینماه سال 1384 15:39
Are you able to change your wife's unwanted behavior after marriage?Do you think she can do the same if something in you bothers her ?How much do you think you can affect your wife in order to change her undesirable behaviors if there is one? Yours
Honest letter to David
دوشنبه 29 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:28
Thanks for the teacher info.They were helpful enough to give me an insight over teaching benefits there.The benefits American teachers get there is incomparable with Iranian teachers.....How are you doing? Today was tough(in that private school I told you about),I had to challenge some of my students because of their...
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یکشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1384 18:03
The veil is not a uniquely Islamic convention; the practice has a long history in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Catholic nuns engage in the practice, of course, and there are several references to the practice in both the Old and New Testaments (King James Version). Ironically, the representation of veiling in the...
Honest letter to David
یکشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1384 17:33
First of all,Thanks for the photos.They were really beautiful.Now some questions: Would you tell me about the retirement age of the American teachers ,other jobs and the advantages the teachers have during their service and after retirement? This one is a political one :Why do you think the UN hasn't been a success...
Honest letter to David
یکشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1384 17:01
I was the only son of the family along with sisters of mine before my second brother was born.Now I have a 13 year old brother and I love him very much.Back to the memory lane... My mind gets scattered as I try to harness THE memories... (Iran_Iraq War) My friends and I (I was 15 years old) were playing in our...
David Letter
یکشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1384 14:01
I'm sorry if my story saddened you. I don't feel sad about the events in my life. It's the accumulation of both the good, and the bad, that has made me what I am today. I'm better for the experiences that I've gone through. There's a saying that goes "that which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." I think that is...
Honest letter to David
یکشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:44
..Having heard the story of your childhood made me feel gloomy a bit.Before going to school I checked my email box early in the morning and got so happy hearing that you have serious plans to visit my country.Now I think my dream is coming true.... Today had both sad and happy feelings with itself.happy, because I was...
David Letter
یکشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:43
I hope that you enjoyed the pictures I sent you, and the tourist information. I hope that one day you will make a visit to my country, and I can show you all the sights. I would like that very much. Take care.
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شنبه 27 فروردینماه سال 1384 20:16
Persianarabs In response to " Bad thoughts, bad words, bad deeds ": I usually read the letters section of Iranian.com site with great interest. I have never written any letter to this section before, but after reading the letter from persian lover about our anciant faith, I decided to write this letter, not as a...
David Letter
شنبه 27 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:48
You never cease to amaze Me, at your knowledge of Christianity. How do you know so much about my faith? It only confirms my opinion of your education. Thanks for the information on "veiling." It helped me to understand your view point and custom. As for the memories, I can't even imagine what war must be like in your...
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جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 20:43
Just thoughts Thoughts... Bombarding, attacking, from left to right; top to bottom. Thoughts... rushing down like a blizzard in the middle of the night. Can you hear it? Blowing - blowing the inside of my brain, from left to right; top to bottom. Thoughts... Never ending, always demanding, pretending, spending -...
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جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 20:42
A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it. keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away - Arabian Proverb
David Letter
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 20:41
I am now calm, and prepared to answer your question regarding prejudice and racism in my country. I believe that's what you were asking me about. My country has had a history of racism, and injustice towards minorities. I think that it's human nature to be frightened by those who are "different" than yourself. What's...
Honest letter to David
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 11:07
..Last night I had a dream:I was walking in a street and every two steps I went,I found a silver ring.Any interpretation according to your opinion?...Tomorrow is the last day of these 14 days holidays and I feel a bit gloomy: It is called "Sizda_Bedar" On Sizdah bidar (13th of Farvardin_April 1st), people spend the...
Honest letter to David
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 11:05
..I was just impressed and wanted to show my appreciation of the poem and I thought the title of the poem was "Be careful of your words" as I was writing the email.so I wrote" I liked the articles and the poems especially, be careful of your words".That's all.and I wasn't offended at all by what you wrote me.It made...
David Letter
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 09:31
Thanks once more, for the article that you sent me. I find it interesting to contrast the things I've been told about your country, and the reality that exist. Your country isn't at all what I expected it to be like. It's a lesson for us all to learn, to never judge an entire region or people before you have all the...
Honest letter to David
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 09:30
Dear My Friend: ...Thinking of having a different faith,nationality,color and other" Segregators"(Word invention:)I come to envy the "cave man" when,being of a different nationality,religion and color mattered so little.but at the same time,I cant help thinking of the hardships they had been through.... Now American...
Honest letter to David
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 08:08
The prophet Mohammed was very keen on the emancipation of women—and there is nothing in the Qu’ran to insist that all women must be veiled or secluded. The Muslim women in the first community often fought beside men in battle and in the early Muslim community, the prophet’s wives had immense political power.The Qu’ran...
David Letter
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:30
Hello. How are you today? It's been a cold and rainy weekend so far here. When will it be spring? I keep asking myself that question, over and over. As you know, the catholic Christians have lost their religious leader this past weekend. It's been on the news quite a bit here. For Catholic's this is a sad day. I'm not...
David Letter
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:28
Hello my friend. I'm glad that you liked the poem I sent. What did you mean by "I should be careful of my words"? I hope that I haven't offended you in anyway. Let me know what you meant, okay? I agree with you regarding democracy being a two edge sword. I think that with "freedom," comes responsibility. I think that...
Honest letter to David
جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:28
...How are you doing man?I wasn't feeling well the other day because of the pressure at school.Anyway,To answer your question I should say that because gay behavior is forbidden and Haram(an act against religious law)so,I it is not protected by Islamic law.Religion and government are mixed and this has created a...
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جمعه 26 فروردینماه سال 1384 06:27
Perception Kianoosh September 23, 2004 iranian.com I searched and asked What is life? I received many answers, Long explanations of different theories, quotations from different philosophers and on and on. I realized the more words are used to explain life, the less that person knows about life. One day an old man,...
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چهارشنبه 24 فروردینماه سال 1384 19:41
Hello my friend. I'm glad that you liked the poem I sent. What did you mean by "I should be careful of my words"? I hope that I haven't offended you in anyway. Let me know what you meant, okay? I agree with you regarding democracy being a two edge sword. I think that with "freedom," comes responsibility. I think that...