Honest letter to David

Dear Fred:Capital formation is very important for black peeople.Has President Bush promoted his Social Security plan as a way for black families to begin estate planning, capital formation, and the sorts of financial activities that white folks take for granted? Bush's idea for personal retirement accounts will help black Americans gain the economic independence that is becoming a reality for so much of the Whites.Has Bush adminstration done the same for Blach as he has done for White equally so that illegitimacy rate,crime rate and etc... decreases in Black areas like Harlem and Bronx?Do you believe that some  guys are born inherently "lazy" ,while otheres "Hardworking "?Is that how you think of human race?

A poem

                                            A Creed To Live By


Don’t undermine your worth

With comparing yourself with others.

It is because we are different

That each of us is special.

Don’t set goals by what others deem important,

Only YOU know what is best for you.

Don’t take granted the things closest to your heart,

Cling to them as you would to your life,

For without them like is meaningless.

Don’t let your life slip through your fingers

For living in the past or for the future.

By living your life one day at a time,

You live all the days of your life.

Don’t give up your life when you still have

Something to give.

Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.

It is this fragile thread that binds us to each other.

Don’t be afraid to encounter risks.

It is by taking chances we learn how to be brave.

Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find.

The quickest way to find love is to give love,

The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly,

And the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

Don’t dismiss your dreams.

To be without dreams is to be without hope.

To be without hope is to be without purpose.

Don’t run through life so fast that to forget not only where you have been,

But also where you are going.

Life is not a race but a journey to be savored

Each step of the way…






Fred letter

 For some reason, you seem to think that I'm unaware of U.S. and British crimes in the middle east and that I approve of them. Isn't this what I've been saying all along? However, what I will say is this: throughout history, every great power has inflicted misery upon weaker nations. The Romans, Ottoman Turks, Belgium, Russia and Japan, England and America have all done it. We have a sayiing here. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Unfortunately, this "will to conquer"seems to be in the human gene pool. And today, since the U.S. is the world's only super-power, we can expect more of the same. If it weren't for oil, it would be something else like "spreading freedom througout the
world". FRED

> Dear Fred:
> do you agree that iranians have suffered enough from The "Great Britain"
> and also The US government to justify their having nukes?