Fred LetterTo HONEST(4)

1. The main reason Bush is so opposed to Iran having nukes is that he
thinks they'll sell them to the terrorists. He's also convinced that Iran,
like Syria, Lybia and others is a great financier of the terrorists.
2. Iranians are justified in fearing the U.S. for at least two main
reasons. First, we supported Saddam in his bloody war against Iran.
Second, we also supported and financed the Shah, a very bloody despot who,
as you well know, kept Iran in a horrible state of repression. If Iran
doesn't trust the U.S.A., who can possibly blame them?
3. The Christian far right, fanatical conservatives, are very powerful in
the Republican party these days. They provide enormous sums of money to
Bush and his cohorts. These people insist that there is now a war to the
death between Islam and Christianity. Of course they date this all the way
back to the crusades. Like all fanatics, they're very dangerous,
especially when they become fixated on something. In this sense, they have
much in common with some of your mullahs who see everything through a very
narrow focus.
4. Regarding opportunities for teachers here in the U.S., it all depends
on the person's expertise. For teachers of the sciences and math, things
are very good. The same goes for teachers of language. I can assure you
that Arabic will be very big here and that teachers of arabic will be in
great demand. In fact, they probably already are. There will also be great
opportunities in business as many American companies want to expand into
the Arab world. I hope this answers your questions. FRED

I'm glad you are doing well there. It's always good to hear from my Iranian friend  . To answer your question about sharing one's love affair with each other............ Yes, it is common to do so. Americans, and I think most Europeans also, talk about aspects of their love affair with their friends. It's not something one is embarrassed to talk about. Of course we're talking about between friends. You wouldn't want to share your personal business with strangers or acquaintances . It's common for friends at work to talk about their spouse, or maybe even problems that they may be having. Americans are very open about that. As for teachers salaries........ It can vary from place to place, but they generally make from 30,000  yearly and upwards. Many are unionized, and have excellent health and retirement benefits. As for your photo....You do not look 31!  You must be living right   Thank you for the beautiful photo you sent. Your country looks so beautiful. I would love to visit one day. I love that part of the world. I've always had a fascination with Egypt. I'm interested in Egyptian arqueology. I would love to see the pyramids and museums in Cairo. Israel also holds a fascination with me. There are many historic and ancient sites there to see as well. I know that in your Koran, it expresses the importance of seeking knowledge. I've always sought that my entire life. I love learning things and seeing different places. Don't you? I have some questions for you my friend, if you don't mind answering........What are some differences do you think between Iranian women and American woman? Are Iranian woman more traditional? I'm just curious. I like the more traditional woman myself. Well, I better say good-bye for now. Take care of yourself. Thanks again for the photos.
                                                    Your American friend,

David letter to honest

Hi. How are you? Thank you for the photo.  It was nice. I couldn't help but think that you look a lot younger than you said you were. How old are you? I thought we were closer in age, but you look like you're in your early twenties.  Just an observation. Teaching those children must keep you young.  How was your day today? Mine went okay. It was pretty busy at the hospital this evening. The hospital had no empty beds available. We were that full! Whenever the hospital gets that full, the sick are sent to another hospital for treatment. It's normal during the winter months. People are usually coming into the hospital with flu related symptoms, and complications. Did I tell you that I was planning on going back to school to finish my degree? I'm planning to attend classes in the fall. I'm really looking forward to it, even though it's difficult. I was attending classes before but had to withdraw because my mother became very sick and needed taking care of. How is your job? Are you still thinking about visiting my country? The summer months are the best time for visiting the northern United States. The South is warm all year round, but not where I live. I still can't decide where to go for my birthday. I've checked out a number of destinations, but haven't decided yet. Have you ever been to the Caribbean? It's beautiful there. I've visited there many times growing up, and through adulthood. I love tropical Islands and warm weather, with beautiful white sand beaches. I keep asking myself why am I living here where it's so cold in the winter? I'm a warm blooded kind of man I guess. Do you like the ocean? Does your country have warm regions, and beaches? It's hard to picture what your country must look like. I know very little about it. But I'm learning more through our conversations, and on my own. You have a rich history to be proud of. Well, I just wanted to say hello. I hope you have a wonderful day today, without any stress whatsoever. Take care of yourself my friend. Best wishes to your family. Thanks for the picture.
                                                Your friend,