Iranian wedding

Thanks for the ecards.Its 7:00 amas I am writing this.this thursday is the D_day.I gotta go to work now.sorry for my short emails.I think Its undeestandable.
Best wishes to your family.

If it werent my father

....If it werent my fathers help,I wouldnt be able to buy this house.In Iran childeren are family centered and dont get independent until their late twenties or thirties.Through the parents help,most childeren are  provided with  the financial means necessary starting a new life.There are so many reasons I will be in my parents debt for ever.......
To be honest with you,I have this feeling of "missing the good old days"while being with my family especially my mother.I believe that after the marriage a new room is opened in your heart for someone "new".I still have the love for my family.......
tell me what exactly you did in Canada.The name of the play,museums you went to.what clubs did you go to? 
I am really happy to hear that you have serious plans on visiting my country.As you know January and Febuary are the freezing seasons in Iran and I know that you hate winter and I think you cant appreciate the historic places as you do in the summer or winter or the fall.Of course you are most welcomed any time of the year.

Hello My Brother:

I'm so happy to hear that everything went well on your wedding day. I was thinking about you that day, and said a prayer for you. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos when they are developed. I wish I could have been there for you. It would have been great to see my friend getting married. I'm surprised that the tapes made it through to you. I sent two of my favorite Elton John tapes, because I remembered you telling me that you listened to him. Sorry that they're my used tapes, but I didn't want to buy new ones and find out that they didn't get through to you. Enjoy them my friend. It sounds like you have everything all set for your new bride. (Regarding your own house.) It's customary here also to have one's own place when you get married. Years ago, families all lived together. It was common to have your grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, etc., living together under the same roof. Not anymore, however. So tell me, how does it feel to be a married man now? I'm happy for my you man. Today is Sunday and I'm working the weekend. It's been rather busy at work. We're usually always short staffed on the weekends, but the amount of work is the same. So I'm doing the job of two other people, besides my own. I'm off next week. Thank God.  I went with some friends to Toronto Canada for a few days. We saw a play, visited some museums, went to a few clubs. We had a good time. It was nice getting away for a few days. I'm in the process of renewing my passport. My old one has expired. I'm planning seriously on visiting you, if that is okay with you. I understand that you're married, and will stay at a hotel there. I would just like to meet you face to face.  I'm thinking about next year, in January or February. What is your thoughts? Well, I better go and get ready for the day. I just got out of bed, and checked my email. Welcome back my friend. It's always great hearing from you. May God bless you and your wife.
                                                                         Your brother,