Honest letter to David

Dear David:
...I always become happy hearing from you too.Through those days(university) I studied the Holy Bible and wept as the Jusus was crusified.I have my own Bible too.as I told you before I couldnt help crying watching "Passion..."though I am a muslim I think I have lived with Jesus and felt His presence .
Take care ,

David Letter

Dear Honest:
ou never cease to amaze me my friend. You even know biblical quotes as well? You're amazing. Like many of us, you're on a spiritual journey of your own. I too, have been on a journey examining my life and beliefs. I've gone through a period when I was younger, of being self righteous and self important. Everything was black or white, with no gray areas. As I matured and developed, I soon realized that not everything is as simple as all that. I realize now that there are exceptions to the rule, and that people are the way they are for a reason. I'm no longer judgmental towards others. It's been a growing experience for me. Partly due to my own life's experiences. Sometimes it takes hardships and disappointments in one's life, to make him realize that life's not as simple as he once thought. I can honestly say that I like myself much better now than at any other time in my life. All my past experiences have made me a better human being. If we're smart, then we learn and grow from our experiences. Regarding your comment about your "obsession with materialism," please be careful of that my friend. It is written in the bible "what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, but lose his own soul in the process?". I think about materialism that way. I love nice things, money is important, but it's not the most important thing in the universe. I know people that are very wealthy, but also very miserable and unhappy. My family were very poor, but we had so much love for each other. You can't buy that at the store. Sorry for preaching to you. I'm saying this because you're my friend and I care about you. I wish the very best in life for you my friend. I hope all your dreams and aspirations come true for you. You deserve the best in life. I wish you were able to instant message me, that would be great. We would be able to speak in real time. Today is Friday, it's also "shabbat."  Shabbat is the Sabbath. It starts after sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday.  One usually attends religious services, and reads from the holy book, and prays, and so forth. I haven't been to services lately, however. I'm still seeking...
My friend, it's always so good to hear from you. I look forward to your letters. Thanks for keeping in touch. Sometimes I wonder if I'm writing too much to you! I don't want to be a bother. Take care of yourself. May God bless you my friend.
                                           Your friend and brother,

Fred letter

Hussein:Your comments are totally correct, each and every word. As I've
said previously, The Israelis are far from innocent in this conflict.
When Jewish people from Russia, Poland etc. rushed to Palestine, they did
so as if there were no Arabs already living there. And when the 1948 war
broke out, the evicted some 8oo thousand Arabs from Palestine. Although
the Jews insist that they forced nobody to leave, this is clearly a
self-serving story. The other side of the argument is that from the first
day the State of Israel was created, the Arab world has insisted that it
would push Israel into the Red Sea. As 3 wars have proved, this was no
idle threat. With the death of Arafat and the arrival of Abbas, there is
now a valid hope for peace. Unfortunately, I think that as Abbas tries to
disarm the terrorists, he'll be killed and we'll be back to square one.
If you will recall, Barak once offered Arafat nearly 95% of what he
wanted. Arafat refused, saying "if I agree to this they'll kill me." As
you know, there are also Israeli extremists who stupidly insist that God
gave them the disputed territories. Stay well. FRED