Honest letter to Fred

Unfortunately, you're out of date. The great days of whites taking so much from granted are now defunct as the white middle class is now slipping down to join blacks and poor whites. As I've said so often in previous e-mails, the U.S.A. is quickly losing its hallowed economic dominance. Nobody knows what the future will bring. On your second question regarding who succeeds and who fails, I believe our pal Charles Darwin has much to say about this when he uses the term "survival of the
fittest". Of course this does not preclude the fact that all people deserve a fair chance but the fact remains that there are important inherent differences among people. When governments try to homogenize people, as the communists do, the results are usually a disaster. Also,
history shows that the vast majority of government programs designed to up-lift people are expensive flops. I could go on about this at great length but it would only bore each of us. The only thing that really works
is a healthy family unit with both parents working diligently to provide the kids with direction, encouragement and intelligent discipline. For
example, you are obviously a bright, well-motivated person. Tell me, please, is it not true that your parents did what I'm talking about? But again, we get back to individual differences because if it worked for you,
why not for your troubled sister? As you can see, this is a very complicated subject. Stay well my friend. FRED

Fred letter

Dear Fred:Capital formation is very important for black peeople.Has President Bush promoted his Social Security plan as a way for black families to begin estate planning, capital formation, and the sorts of financial activities that white folks take for granted? Bush's idea for personal retirement accounts will help black Americans gain the economic independence that is becoming a reality for so much of the Whites.Has Bush adminstration done the same for Blach as he has done for White equally so that illegitimacy rate,crime rate and etc... decreases in Black areas like Harlem and Bronx?Do you believe that some  guys are born inherently "lazy" ,while otheres "Hardworking "?Is that how you think of human race?

David Letter

My friend:
Hi. I'm sorry, but I wasn't aware that there were online libraries one could borrow books from. ( don't know of any). I'll try to find out from friends if they may know of some. Take care my friend. Please let me know when you receive my package in the mail. I want to be sure that you get it. Take care my friend. Best wishes to you and your family.
                                                    Your brother & friend