Unfortunately, there are Americans who are unaware of the things  which happens in the world, there are Americans who think Iranians are Arabs and their way of life is just like these people but , as an Iranian I would like to say that though we are Muslims but unlike Egypt which lost its identity after Arabs invasion , we are the people who not only didn’t lose our originality but also acted like A MELTING POT , Sure we had impact on each other(Iranians _Arabs) but I think if it weren’t for Iranians , those Arabs couldn’t rule their country at that period.

   Does any one want to understand one source of friction which existed among America and Iran? Check this out:


Ps: Are there any questions you would like being answered? Feel free to ask any questions!




I enjoy sports. However, I don't play much. Basketball and football are both very popular sports in my country. Rugby is an Australian sport. It's not played here. The Australians call rugby "football," but it's  different from our football. I enjoy watching gymnastics a lot, and wrestling. Both sports require dedication and concentration. I would rather attend a game than to watch it at home on the television. I think it's more exciting to watch it in person. Don't you? February 14th is a day for lovers, or those in love. On that day couples usually exchange "valentine gifts," and tend to do something romantic and special together. A common custom is for the man to buy his lady a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers, or even a piece of jewelry. It's a fun day if you are in a relationship with someone. If not, than it's just another day my friend. This year I'm currently single, and have no love interest, so I won't be doing much on that day. When I'm in a relationship, I like to do romantic things for the other person. I'm a romantic, sentimental man I'm afraid. I like to write poems, and all that sort of thing. Should you ever visit my country, you are most welcome here. I would show you fine hospitality. As for the customs of hosts....That can vary, but generally when a guest is invited to someone's home they are treated with generosity and hospitality. One gives the best to their guests. A good host must make their guest feel welcomed and make sure they enjoy their stay with them. As a guest there really isn't any "custom" to speak of. Just to be a respectful guest. I can't think of anything beyond that. Whenever I entertain guests in my home, I treat them as I wish to be treated if I were in their home. I want my guest to enjoy their visit with me. Are you thinking about visiting my country? Spring, summer, and autumn, are the best times to visit. Summer is the best time to visit where I live. There are more things to see and do then. In winter it's cold and you can't really get a full appreciation of the beauty that comes with summer. How was your day today? Mine was okay. Well, take care my friend. I hope to  hear from you soon.
                               Your friend,

Dear David:
...yes, you are right about soccer. its a sport almost every one goes for and Iran national team is looking forward to going to the next world cup,though there is a long way before getting there.and the second sport which has a lot of fans is wrestling. did you watch Iran_Usa match in the last world cup?.....i think baseball and basketball and also rugby are Americans favorites.right?....I don't do any kind of sports but I like watching Iran national team matches. do you watch or do any sports? how is sport viewed in your culture?
what do Americans do on 14th of February? what do YOU do? ....as for the dating generally, there are some Muslim teenagers  who know about Valentines day and   give each other chocolate,flowers, etc as gifts. here if you happen to have some one of the opposite sex as your friend ,you are known as"boyfriend and girlfriend" sounds funny? but the reason is that girls and boys are separated from each other at school, in society, until you happen to go to  the university and most of these " shallow" relationships end in necking and sometimes a bit further period! however, there are relationships that ends in marriage and these two kinds of associations walk hand in hand.anything special activity on valentines day?
Best wishes,
PS.If by any chance,I happen to visit Rochester, for many days can I stay there? could you tell me a bit about guests ,customs that a visitor must know on visiting some ones home? customs that a host should do?