David Letter

I liked the story. Did you make that up yourself? I liked the meaning behind it. How was your day today? I hope it was a good day for you. Mine was okay. We had a little computer problem at work, but it got resolved rather quickly. Did you read my last email? I hope my words gave you some comfort and hope. I truly understand what your sister is going through, having gone through a similar depression myself a year ago. If you have any questions on the subject, I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Thanks for your emails, I look forward to hearing from you. You're an interesting person, and I enjoy corresponding with you. How was your weekend off? Did you do anything exciting? I did my usual routine before going into work. I usually spend about an hour or so in prayer and contemplation before I start my work day. I like to listen to classical music while I read the bible. I find that it relaxes me and relieves any stress I may have before I start my work day. I've been doing it for a while now, it's become a habit and routine for me. I enjoy reading and listening to music. What kind of music do you enjoy? What kind of books do you read? I know you are a man that likes words, because of your talent in writing poems. I like poetry very much. I've always loved writing poems and reading them. I think people who tend to be artistic and sensitive, usually are talented in writing. My birthday is coming up in June (the 4th), and I don't know what I'll be doing for it. For the past few years I've had to spend it home, because I had to take care of my mother. Prior to her illness I traveled a lot. It's the one thing that I was completely passionate about. I think that not having someone in my life, makes the day a little sad. I can't explain it, it's just how I feel. I guess that I'm still searching for my soul mate. I would like to give you my address if you want it. Let me know. I don't want to push my friendship on you. Well, my friend, I wish you and your family all the best. Take care of yourself. Don't start feeling down again. Remember: you have a friend on the other side of the world...me.
                                   Your friend

Fred letter

For good web sites about Iran and the middle east, I suggest you
dial up "google", a terrific search engine that has never failed me. I'm
ashamed to admit that for the most part, Iran and Muslims in general are
not given a fair presentation here in America. This insane "war on terror"
has created a climate of fear and when we hear the word "Muslim" or
"Islam", we immediately think of Osama Bin Laden and Al Quaida. On the
other hand, a significant number of us refuse to accept this sterotype and
give Muslims a very warm welcome to the U.S. I believe we currently have
nearly 6 million Muslims here now, most of them Arabs. Also, I've asked
some Muslims if they're experiencing prejudice here and they say not yet.
Now I have a question for you. My understanding is that Iran has huge oil
reserves. Why has this not created wealth and abundance for the people?
What has gone wrong? FRED

Honest letter to David

Dear David:
I want to tell you a story: once upon a time, there was a school boy who had chronic lateness,never on time and always was criticized by his teacher.once his teacher said"why are you late all the time ?"he said"because, there is a river out there and I have to walk long distance before I cross the bridge" why don't you say in the name of God and cross the river? the other day the school boy was on time." I am surprised" the teacher said.the schoolboy said"I just said what you had asked me to do and crossed the bridge.
What do you think of it?
Take care