David Letter

Dear Brother:
Hello my friend. It's nice to hear from you as always. I'm glad that my words gave you some comfort to get through your day. Your letters have done the same for me at times too. That's what friends are for. I haven't read Salman Rushdi's book, but heard  that it caused a lot of controversy around the world. Particularly in the Muslim world. While I believe that he had a "right"to voice his opinion, I question his motives and reasoning behind it. Why would someone write a book that insults or slanders another person's religious beliefs? A person's faith is a sacred and very personal thing. I would be very upset and offended if someone did that to me. I think sometimes that people enjoy controversy just for controversy sake. They can make a name for themselves, and sell a lot of books. Regarding my seeking a soul mate...... I'll try to explain why I feel this way. I told you that my father died when I was young, right? Well, I had to grow up very fast when that happened. My father died a poor man, leaving my mother no means of support. I had to work three jobs to support her and myself, when other young men my age were going to parties and dating and having a wild time being young. I had to be the provider and the responsible son. I've taken care of people ever since I was young. I'm at a time in my life where I would like someone to look after me.(not financially speaking), but emotionally. I was always so busy trying to survive and make a life for myself, that I missed out on that. Now I find myself seeking a loving and caring relationship with someone. I have a lot of love to give someone. When I say that I feel sad sometimes, it's because I have so much love in my heart, with no one to share it with. I don't expect you to understand, because you already found your soul mate. I guess at times I wonder if the right person will come a long. I don't know if Iranian men ever feel this way, but I do. Do you believe in a love like that? Is your fiancee truly your soul mate? You're a lucky man if she is. It's rare to find someone that you can truly love completely. Regarding your sister....... Was she diagnosed with just depression, or was there another diagnosis as well? She seems to be taking a lot of medicine. Have you gotten a second opinion from another doctor? Getting a second or third opinion is recommended. I know that with antidepressants, one may have to try several different ones, before finding the one that works best. I had to try three different medications, before finding the one that worked the best for me. It's very common to try a few different antidepressants before finding the one that will work the best. Don't give up hope Hussein. There is always hope. Hussein, I'm glad that we're friends. I don't know you very well, but I feel as if I can tell you anything without fear of being judged or scrutinized. I hope you feel the same way to. You can share anything with me. We're friends. Well, I hope to hear from you soon. Take care of yourself my friend. Regards to your family.
                                   your friend always

Why no Welfare for US Iranians(Answer to Fred LETTER)

Dear Dred:
Today, a gap exists between Iran’s resources and its achievements. I dare to say that Iran is indeed one of the lowest achievers in the world today relative to its resources. Why so? It is certainly not because we haven't tried. It is now well over a century that the Iranian people have been trying to close the gap and advance. They have used reform and revolution as well as tens of theories, strategies and policies to achieve this. However, save for some initial successes, they have been increasingly disappointed. As a nation, Iranians do not agree on the cause or the causes of their general undevelopment. Most Iranians blame foreign powers;For decades we were told by our nationalists intellectuals that every single one of our problems stemmed from the wrongs that the foreigners did to us, otherwise we would have been the crown jewel of the world civilization.We also over-estimated our capabilities and became totally blind to our limitations, thinking that we could run a country with total reliance on a nation with very little education and training, and convinced ourselves that the sole reason for all our miseries were the foreigners and their influence on our culture, and hence, we would definitely achieve freedom and economic justice only if we overthrew the regime and kicked out the foreigners. The fact of the matter was -and still is- that the problems hampering the achievement of our goals of freedom and democracy were mostly our own, and until we muster the courage to acknowledge this simple fact we will not be able to move forward.  But what we really needed was to develop the courage to acknowledge that no foreigner could have ever taken advantage of us if we had not fallen behind due to our own shortcomings and limitations in the first place. Did we ever ask ourselves why we were never able to take advantage of these foreign nations the way they took advantage of us? Extremely valuable research has been done on this issue by Dr. Sadegh Zibakalam, compiled in his book, "How We Became What We Are." This, and "The Sociology of Killing Genius," by Ali Rezagholi.We have to realize that the foreign nations have not lined up to take advantage of us. some condemn the ruling elite, and others hold a combination of the two responsible. However, to me it is all about the lack of vision and leadership.on the other hands are so alled" politicians". All politics seem to run on this platform, i.e., promise ten, expect five, and receive two.I have learned that when politicians promise me all the good and wonderful things they are going to do for me is  to grab my wallet. I know that when they boast of all the jobs they have, or will create for Iran, that they are either ignorant or lying, and I do not like the prospects of either option. But I guess they feel it will get them votes.The only thing that governments do is redistribute wealth, i.e., take substance from A, B, & C, and create D. I believe this principle was greatly taught by a man known as Karl Marx. I have difficulty believing the next presidential election bring welfare and new jobs for Iranians. I realize that I am not a genius, but even I can figure this one out, but can Iran? it dawns upon me that some politicians have the "Progress Gage" all screwed up. They think of a gage in which zero is on the extreme left-hand side, and the more government intervention to "improve the economy," the higher will rise the hand on the gage as they improve it. But actually it is where zero is top dead center of the meter, with a positive side on the right-hand, and a negative side on the left. The more the government intervention in the economy, the more the hand dips to the negative side of the gage. Every succeeding effort to prop up this dip to the negative side results in a further dip to the left.What can government do to remedy this dilemma? Absolutely nothing! This is because government itself is the source of the negative economical swing. But please dont tell them anything because,this is their point and their serious campaign issue(presidential election). They actually think there are such things as free lunches, that cities can be built in the sky, and that pigs fly. Reality eludes them.as Adolph Hitler said, "What great luck for the leaders that men do not thinkeat apology.

Honest letter to David

Dear friend:
... I am doing fine and I hope things go well for you.I had a tough day at school.kids will be kids. That's all I can say about them.:(. to be honest  your last email GAVE me enough comfort and hope for the rest of the day. ...I haven't yet taken my monitor to the repair and they told me that it takes about a week to do the job:(....about the books I read;it differs:poetry,religious.novels if I am in the mood.by the way, have you ever read "the satanic verses" by Salman Rushdi? if so,what do you think of it? what kind of books do YOU read?...still thinking about where to go in June 4th? are you thinking of a middle east country?...In you last email you mentioned that"I think that not having someone in my life, makes the day a little sad" do you think a soul mate can change things a lot? I think a soul mate can relieve some  of our loneliness.that's how I felt after getting engaged.would you give me your address too.I respect your privacy too.
All the best to you and family.